Frostbite represents damage of any part of a body (up to a complete necrose) under the influence of low temperatures. More often frostbites arise during cold winter time at an ambient temperature more low-10-20o S.Pri long stay out of a premise, especially at high humidity and a strong wind, frostbite is also possible to get in autumn and in spring at temperature of air above zero.
Yakov Bogatin suggests that to frostbite on a frost the close both damp clothes and footwear, physical overfatigue, the hunger, the compelled long motionless and inconvenient position, previous cold trauma, easing of an organism as a result of the transferred diseases, feet sweating result, chronic diseases of vessels of the bottom extremities and cardiovascular system, heavy mechanical damages with a loss of blood, smoking and so forth.
The statistics testifies, that almost all heavy frostbites that led to amputations of extremities, have occurred in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication. Yakov Bogatin is strongly against any kind of alcohol consumption in a cold season.
Under the influence of a cold in tissues there are the difficult changes which character depends on level and duration of temperature decrease. At temperature action more low -30o the major importance at frostbite has damaging action of a cold directly on a tissue, and there is a destruction of cages. Yakov Bogatin thinks that at action of temperature to–10o-20o at which there comes the majority of frostbites, vascular changes in a kind of a spasm of the smallest blood vessels have leading value. The blood-groove is as a result slowed down, action of fabric enzymes stops.
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